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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What Does General Liability Insurance Cover?

General liability insurance often comes as part of a larger policy and can be tailored for personal use or commercial use. This insurance covers accidents concerning bodily injury and property damage to a third party. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Is General Liability Insurance Only Made for Commercial Businesses

Liability is a complicated subject for most people. Unless you're a lawyer or you work for an insurance company, it's not always clear whose fault an accident is. You may have heard of general liability insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

General Liability Coverage for Out of Court Settlements

An incident occurs. You know your company made a mistake. The person who suffered a loss wants to take your business to court. What do you do? The good news is your general liability insurance is likely to provide financial support for you. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 17, 2018

General Liability Insurance and Pesticide Damage

Do you own a pesticide company? Perhaps you provide lawn care services to customers. When you operate a business that uses toxic chemicals, it is critical to have the proper insurance in place. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Does General Liability Insurance Cover Investigating Claim Costs?

Most drivers do what they need to in order to operate a vehicle in a very safe manner. You do what you can to keep your property safe. This applies to both a business and an individual. Nevertheless, accidents occur. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 16, 2016

4 Budget-Friendly Ways to Protect Your Business

To protect your profits, you should always protect your business as well. Some people wonder how much insurance protection a business needs. It’s understandable; protecting your business means that some income is already taken. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 24, 2016

How General Liability Insurance Can Benefit Your Business

When you think of protecting your business, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the building, computer equipment and other physical assets that required a substantial investment. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 9, 2014

What You Need to Know About Commercial General Liability Insurance

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance is an essential part of every business owner’s insurance package. It protects you and your business against claims of injury, property damage and ... READ MORE >>
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